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How to add a bill payee in the mobile app

This feature is also available in online banking. See our desktop instructions for more details.

  1. Sign in to the SCU mobile app.
  2. On the main menu, select Move money.
  3. Select the Payments tab, then press Manage payees.
  4. Press on the (+) icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Enter the Payee name in the Search payees box, then find the correct payee under Results.
    ○ Try to keep your search general, as the payee you're looking for may not appear if you are too specific (ex. search "Collabria®" instead of "SCU Collabria®").
  6. Enter the payee account number and select Continue.
  7. Confirm the payee details and select Continue again.
  8. As an extra layer of security, we’ll send an authentication code through email or text to confirm your request. Select either Text message or Email.
  9. Enter the code and select Continue

Note: If you want to delete a payee, you can go to Manage payees and press the trash icon, then select Continue. If you want to edit a payee, you will need to delete the payee and enter the new information.

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