At this rate,
you'll get there
4.00% limited-time GIC specials
28-month | 54-month

Vote for your 2025 SCU Board of Directors
For every vote cast online, SCU will make a charitable donation. Vote online to select your charity!
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SCU telephone incident
Read our latest updates, see how we're responding, and learn how to protect yourself.
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Free webinar
Our next webinar topic is: First home savings account (FHSA) webinar. Join us live on Wednesday, March 12 at 12:30 PM.
Registration requiredWhat can we help you with today?

Our deposit guarantee
At SCU, all deposits are guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.
Learn more about our deposit guaranteeCompetitive rates for all of your financial needs
High Interest Savings Account
TFSA (variable)
Fixed 1-year Mortgage
Line of Credit
Personal Loan
Insights & Advice
Grow your financial know-how with advice and guidance on a variety of products, services, and topics to help you reach your goals.

Refer a new member for a chance to win
As an SCU member, you already know you can count on our trusted advice and support as you continue on your journey to your best financial future.
Share the news with your friends and family! Refer a friend to SCU, and you’ll have a chance to win 1 of 6 $500 savings accounts each time someone you refer becomes a new member.