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Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

Get the most out of your savings once you retire. Convert your RRSP to an RRIF and enjoy your retirement while the rest of your money continues to grow.

What is a RRIF?

An RRIF is a plan that converts your RRSP savings into income after retirement. Instead of cashing in all your RRSP savings at once (and paying income tax on the total amount), an RRIF allows you to make withdrawals as you need them and lets the rest of your money continue to grow, tax-sheltered.

RRIF features you’re sure to enjoy

Enjoy flexible savings options

Choose from a variety of investment options within your RRIF to suit your savings goals.

Your savings stay in your pocket

RRIFs keep your RRSP savings tax-sheltered beyond age 71 so you can continue to grow your nest egg at competitive interest rates, without paying taxes as you earn.

Access your money as you need it

You are only required to withdraw a minimal amount from your RRIF annually, which means you can withdraw lump sum funds at any time while allowing the rest of your money to continue to grow tax-free.

Take advantage of Pension Income Credit

Members ages 65 and over can convert $2,000 of RRSP savings to a RRIF annually to access up to $2,000 in Pension Income Credits.

Choose the RRIF solution that’s best for you

Variable savings

Choose this competitive interest, variable-rate savings option while you decide the best way to invest your funds.

  • Earn interest right from dollar one 
  • Interest calculated on a minimum monthly balance and paid annually on December 31
  • Deposits are guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba*


Choose a term length that works for you and earn a guaranteed rate of return.

  • Choose from convenient 1- to 5-year terms with a minimum investment of $500
  • Interest is paid annually and can be compounded (added to the GIC) or paid out to your account
  • Tiered interest rates start at $100,000 and are paid on the entire balance
  • Deposits are guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba*

Mutual funds

Mutual funds are a good way to diversify your savings portfolio and you can benefit from our knowledgeable advisors and professional investment management to meet your financial goals.

  • Choose from a broad assortment of professionally managed mutual funds**
  • Diversification for a portfolio that’s custom tailored to your needs and risk tolerance
  • Convenient and simple way to invest in a variety of securities
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RRIF rates

Account Balance
Interest Rate
12-month Less than $100K 3.60%
$100K - $249,999 3.65%
$250K** and over 3.70%
24-month Less than $100K 3.55%
$100K - $249,999 3.60%
$250K** and over 3.65%
36-month Less than $100K 3.35%
$100K - $249,999 3.40%
$250K** and over 3.45%
48-month Less than $100K 3.35%
$100K - $249,999 3.40%
$250K** and over 3.45%
60-month Less than $100K 3.30%
$100K - $249,999 3.35%
$250K** and over 3.40%
TFSA (variable) 2.25%
GIC rates last updated March 14, 2025. Rates subject to change without notice. **Limits may apply.

*Includes all savings and chequing accounts, RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs, FHSAs, and GICs. 
**Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc. 

Unless otherwise stated, mutual fund securities and cash balances are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer that insures deposits in credit unions. 

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