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Smart moves for your 20s, 30s, and beyond

Every stage of life comes with a new set of financial hurdles.

Here are the top smart moves and money mistakes for your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s to help you achieve your best financial future.



Priorities – establishing financial independence and minimizing debt

Smart moves

  • Only borrowing what you need​

  • ​Paying attention to your credit score

  • Paying your bills on time and in full

  • Saving up for big purchases

  • Establishing an emergency fund

  • Opening a retirement account

Money mistakes

  • Carrying a balance on your credit card

  • Missing payments

  • Putting off saving for retirement

  • Taking on too much student debt

  • Spending more than you make

  • Not setting financial goals




Priorities – purchasing a home, protecting your financial assets, saving, and investing

Smart moves

  • Creating a budget with your spending and saving priorities in mind

  • Increasing your emergency fund

  • Paying down high-interest debt first

  • Putting at least 20% of your income towards retirement

  • Setting up an RESP for your kids

  • Diversifying your investments

Money mistakes

  • Buying more house than you can afford

  • Financing big purchases with a credit card

  • Not ensuring that you and your family have adequate insurance to help you deal with unexpected financial challenges

  • Not saving money for future goals or the unexpected



40s and 50s

Priorities – maxing out your contributions, estate planning, helping kids with their education

Smart moves

  • Unlearning bad financial habits

  • ​Increasing your emergency fund

  • Paying yourself first – set up a regular contribution plan to your investment and savings account

  • Trimming your lifestyle

  • Maxing out your retirement contributions

  • Focusing on saving and investing for the future

Money mistakes

  • Overspending on your children at the expense of your financial health – find the right balance for your family

  • Not protecting your income stream

  • Putting off estate planning

  • Feeling like you have to do this alone – consider finding a financial planner to help you plan for retirement
  • Forgetting to enjoy yourself!


Take the next step — contact us to continue on your journey to your best financial future:

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