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5 ways to save more this summer

Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy the sunshine! As you turn on air conditioning, take day trips to the beach, or enjoy the outdoor space in your own backyard, it can also be a time when you spend a bit more than you expect. However, enjoying summer doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are a few ideas to help you save a bit more money this summer:

1. Turn up or turn off your air conditioner 

You don’t have to swelter in the heat, but you can save a bit of money if you keep your A/C up a degree or two warmer. It can also help to turn your A/C off on cool summer evenings when you can open the windows and enjoy the breeze.

2. Cook outside 

Enjoy summer barbeques and save on the cost of cooling your house.

3. Bike or walk when you can 

This is a great time of year to enjoy the great outdoors. You can save on gas and enjoy a bit more outside time if you bike or walk instead of taking the car.

4. Buy ahead or wait until the season is ending

The weeks leading into Father’s Day can be a great time to purchase tools you’ll need for your summer renovations, because it’s typically when you can find good sales. Or, if you’re planning a future renovation or landscaping project, wait until the season-end clearance sales begin to stock up on supplies you’ll need!

5. Rent instead of buy 

If you’re planning a canoe adventure or want to try out paddleboarding, considering renting before you make that big purchase, particularly if you’re planning to use the canoe or paddleboard only a couple of times this season. The best part? At the end of the season, you can buy the equipment second-hand when the rental companies look to clear out their inventory for next year!


Take your saving to the next level

Estimate the savings you’ve earned by implementing these tips, and then transfer that money into a High Interest Savings Account. You’ll give your savings a boost and enjoy all the best that summer has to offer!


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